The Immersive First Person View mod for Skyrim is a first-person perspective mod that allows you to see your own body while in first-person view. This “Enhanced Camera” experience will only work if the visible body has been disabled in the ini. The mod essentially maintains a hybrid mode in which you may see both first and third-person bodies.

The patch also changes all third-person situations to first-person modes, such as whether you’re sitting, riding, crafting, being a werewolf, or in other scenarios. While playing the vanilla first-person experience, this Enhanced Camera addon allows you to see your visible body. Furthermore, while sprinting and glancing down, you can see your arms, which adds to the immersion. If you looked down while running, you could see right through your legs, but I tried to solve it in this edition. So, in comparison to the First Personisher camera, what’s new in this version? For one thing, there isn’t much change. I also made sure that the third-person camera wasn’t completely broken, and I’ll continue to work on it in the future release. It transforms the third-person camera into a zoomable first-person camera, allowing you to see your legs, shadows, and arms whether running, walking, or standing. The fallout 4 enhanced camera Mod enables the visible body by balancing the look and feel of the First-person.